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Air India Group to operate special Haj flights from 4 Indian cities.

Haj is very important for Muslims. It is one of their five main duties. If they have enough money and health, they should go to Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia once in their life. There, they do some special things to show their faith. Every year, crores of people from different countries go there for Haj.

This year, Air India Group carriers – Air India and Air India Express – will be flying around 19,000 Haj pilgrims from four destinations in India to Jeddah and Medina in Saudi Arabia. The first phase of the special Haj flights started on May 21, 2023, from Jaipur International Airport. The second phase will start on July 3, 2023, to bring back the pilgrims to India.

Air India’s special Haj flights

Air India is our country’s main airline. It will run 46 flights from Jaipur and Chennai to Medina and Jeddah, respectively, in the first phase of the operations. The flights will go on till June 22, 2023. Air India will use its Boeing 787 and Airbus 321neo aircraft for these flights.

In the second phase, Air India will operate 43 flights from Jeddah and Medina to Jaipur and Chennai from July 3 to August 2, 2023. The number of pilgrims scheduled to fly with Air India from Jaipur is 5,871 on 27 flights while 4,447 pilgrims will be flown by it from Chennai on 19 flights. Overall, a total of 10,318 passengers will be flown by Air India to Saudi Arabia for Haj.

Campbell Wilson, CEO, and MD of Air India, said that Air India is happy to resume the annual special flights for the sacred Haj pilgrimage. He said that their collective effort with Air India Express is to provide unparalleled comfort and convenience to the passengers on this pilgrimage.

Air India Express’s special Haj flights

Air India Express is a cheap airline of Air India. It will fly from Kozhikode and Kannur in Kerala to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. The flights will start on June 4 and end on June 22, 2023. It will use its B737-800 aircraft for these flights.

In the 1st phase, Air India Express will operate 44 flights from Kozhikode to Jeddah – carrying 6,363 passengers, and 13 flights between Kannur and Jeddah carrying 1,873 passengers. A total of 8,236 passengers will be flown by Air India Express operating 57 flights during the first phase.

In the second phase, from July 13 to August 2, 2023, Air India Express will fly back the pilgrims from Medina to Kozhikode and Kannur.

Zamzam water for pilgrims

Zamzam water is a holy water that comes from a well in Mecca. It is believed to have healing properties and blessings for those who drink it. Pilgrims usually bring back Zamzam water as a souvenir and a gift for their family and friends.

Air India and Air India Express will be bringing Zamzam water on the return ferry flights to India. This will be stored at the four destinations operated by them in India – Jaipur, Chennai, Kozhikode, and Kannur – on arrival. The holy water will be finally handed over to the pilgrims after they land back in their home destinations.


Haj is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many Muslims who wish to fulfill their religious obligation. Air India Group carriers are committed to making this journey smooth and comfortable for them by operating special Haj flights from four Indian cities. We wish all the pilgrims a safe and blessed Haj.

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